By the time a boy is five years old, he’s pretty much taught it’s not okay to cry in public” is one of the many quotes from The Mask You Live In which is a timely and topical documentary about hyper masculinity, directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom. The documentary explores how socially constructed gender norms and the way society defines ‘boy’ and ‘man’ can be destructive. America’s young boys are taught to be a particular way from the cradle, and by teaching boys they have to hold in high regard those characteristics which will make them ‘masculine’ and ‘strong’, society is rendering young men emotionally stifled.
She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry is a reflective documentary released in 2014, which charts the rise of the Women's Liberation Movement in America and the heyday of second wave feminism, covering a period from the mid-1960s to the early 1970s. The documentary is reflective in that it features many of the women who were instrumental in the movement at the time, as they look back on the issues they grappled with and injustices they sought to rectify in a quest for gender equality.
This powerful multi award winning documentary was released in 2013, to much critical acclaim. Weissman's film is one of the first to reflect on the impact of the AIDS crisis on the gay men of San Francisco.